dijous, 7 d’abril del 2011

decisions insòlites sobre la dieta. Casos reales (I)

¡Para miccionar y no expulsar ninguna sferificación de agua!
Una dona fa deu anys que només menja patates xips (dels quals vuit anys només menjant xips sabor barbacoa). Al.lucinant.

La noticia original aquí.

"I got a job at the local pool and saw the female lifeguards eating peanuts during their breaks. They were excellent swimmers, so I decided that must be the answer and took to eating just dry-roasted peanuts, and bread sprinkled with salt.

At 20 I became pregnant with Luke, now 11, and I had massive cravings for chicken nuggets and ice cream. As soon as I gave birth, I went back to being a "selective eater", as they call it, just nibbling the odd chicken nugget when I was feeding them to Luke. I always made sure Luke ate sensibly and I don't think my diet has affected him – he's not fussy. He's a typical man – put his dinner in front of him and he's happy.

When Luke was five, I bought a packet of barbecue-flavoured crisps and that was it: I was in love. I didn't eat anything else for the next eight years, until the day I decided to go wild and try Monster Munch. They had been a childhood treat, and they became my crisp of choice."

"Conseguí un trabajo en la piscina y vi a las socorristas comiendo cacahuetes durante los descansos. Eran excelentes nadadoras, por lo que decidió que esa debía ser la respuesta y ello lallevó a comer sólo de cacahuates tostados, y pan espolvoreado con sal.

A los 20
me quedé embarazada de Lucas, ahora de 11 años, y tuve deseos enormes de nuggets de pollo y helado.

Lucas tenía cinco años, me compré un paquete de patatas fritas con sabor a barbacoa-y eso fue todo: estaba enamorada.
comí nada más durante los siguientes ocho años, hasta el día que decidí arriesgar y tratar de comer Monster Munch. Habían sido un placer infantil, y se convirtió en mi crujiente de favorito."

Quina barbaritat, si no fos per que eren de sabor barbacoa semblaria una broma sobre veganisme extrem.
En fí, pa habernos matao.

5 comentaris:

Mar Calpena ha dit...

They were excellent swimmers, so I decided that must be the answer (...) Lògica irrefutable, sí, senyora.

òscar ha dit...

Tu ho has dit: per miccionar i no expulsar cap mena d'esferificació d'aigua.

Gemma ha dit...

Avui és 28 de desembre? ;)

Anònim ha dit...

Madre miiiiiiiiia... como está la vida!!

margot ha dit...

Ay gente pató.
No me gustan las patatas sabor barbacoa.
La tía esta fatal.